Sunday, August 12, 2012

Maybe Trinity Anglican?

How many different weeks and churches does it take until you know you’ve found the right one?

I attended Trinity Anglican Mission today in northern Atlanta.  In brief, first, they love Jesus, and second, they love the city.  They have four values which they celebrate as a church: submission to God, to Scripture, and to each other; integration within relationships and within one’s life; contemplation as a practice of faithful living; and the reality of the Incarnation in all things.  Finally, Trinity celebrates three historic streams as part of its Anglican heritage: the liturgical, the evangelical, and the charismatic.

As I listened at the new-comers meeting, in so many ways I heard the echoes of my Fellows year reverberating in my heart sensing that just maybe this community would understand where I’ve come from and what I’ve learned this past year.  I pray that, as always, God would give me discernment in finding the right church.

Catfish and Pool Volleyball

(For 8/11/12)

A catfish dinner with wonderful strangers and a pool party with fellow law students: I am beginning to meet the people with whom I will be sharing this city.

Friday night a friend of my soon-to-be roommate (neither of whom I’ve met yet) invited me to another friend’s house for a dinner of catfish and mashed sweet potatoes, followed by frozen yogurt and a pleasant evening walk through Decatur.  I felt like I was among old friends, yet these were brand new friends.

Today I played pool volleyball and killed time with new classmates and older law students.  There were some people I’d like to get to know more—and a few I’d like to get to know less (my brother tells me that number will increase a bit as law school goes on)—but many potential friends and colleagues.

I’ve never found it too difficult to make new friends, but so far, it seems especially easy here in the South.  I suppose that makes up a bit for the over-sized spiders.

Conditional Reasoning, Move-In Style

(For 8/10/12)

Perhaps Emory’s school color should be red, and its mascot should be a roll of tape.

In good ol’ conditional reasoning fashion, here was my agenda for the day:
  • Get apartment parking decal.
  • To get parking decal, you must have Georgia car registration.
  • To get car registration, you must show proof of insurance.
  • To get proof of insurance, you must be able to print on campus (I don’t have a printer yet, and my insurance papers were mailed to the wrong address).
  • To print on campus, you must have an Emory ID card.
  • To get an Emory ID card, you must wait until orientation begins.
  • Orientation has not begun.

     Conclusion: None of that other stuff happened.

Oh, and the mattress movers were three hours late.

Welcome to Atlanta!

My first Georgia Peaches

(For 8/9/12)

Much to do, much to be done.  Errands, errands, errands, and plenty of fun (sort of).

I stocked up on groceries tonight and spotted some Georgia peaches in the produce section.  What more fitting fruit to purchase on my first full day in Atlanta?

None of the Georgia peaches were ripe.  I bought a few anyway.  They will ripen in time, and then they will be delicious, I’m sure, but it is good enough to have them at my fingertips.

Atlanta and Emory are also now at my fingertips.  Things to do, people to meet, knowledge to gain.  This place and its people will soon ripen to me in time, and then they will be delicious, I’m sure.

Here I am!

(For 8/8/12)

Hotlanta!  As I pulled in today, my heart was ready for an adventure to begin.  After months of anticipation, it is time to look behind the mask—to see what Atlanta is really like, to see the real thing.  I began with my new apartment.

There were a few things that I don’t remember from the pictures online, like the big spiders or the locker room-style shower in my bathroom, or the closet doors that don’t work.  Oh, and apparently no Internet service in my apartment for a week (which means these first several posts are not live).

But I’m inclined to believe the real thing is also better than the pictures.  The real thing will include my new roommate and an exciting law school and city to come to know.  I look forward to that.